
Mixed-Use Property Owners Maximize Business Potential With C-PACE

Sep 16, 2023

According to data from the Department of Energy, there are nearly 6 million commercial properties in the U.S., utilizing 97 billion square feet of floor space. Collectively, this sector spends $190 billion on energy, creating an opportunity for businesses to improve efficiency and reduce costs around heating, cooling, lighting, and water. For mixed use property owners […]

Retail Shop "Open" for business sign Photo by Mike Petrucci

Why Retail Property Owners Should Consider Energy and Water Upgrades

Sep 2, 2023

As retail property owners adjust to a new normal and reimagine business models, controlling costs will be critical to success. Retail properties use an average of 18.3 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per square foot annually, with 60% of it consumed by lighting, heating and cooling. Lighting alone represents 25% of usage! You have an opportunity […]