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Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy helps property owners fund energy-efficient, water conservation and renewable energy projects. Eligible upgrades are repaid through a voluntary assessment that is attached to the property, not the owner.
C-PACE financing can be applied pre, mid or post-construction.

C-PACE funds private projects using private dollars. Visit our
C-PACE Capital Providers page for a list of approved sources.

100% financing on hard and soft costs
No upfront capital required
Long-term financing, typically over a 20-30 year period
No operational or financial covenants
Transferrable upon sale
Increased net operating income and property value
Lower overall blended cost of capital

Incorporating C-PACE financing in a project tends to lower the weighted average cost of capital, extend average maturity dates, and improve cash flow and debt-service coverage ratios. 

Which Project Types Are Eligible For C-PACE?

C-PACE financing can be applied to projects in various phases of the development lifecycle. Renewable energy improvements are also eligible. 

New Construction
Renewable Energy Projects

Property Owners FAQ